Interference 👩‍🎓


                            The phenomenon of cancellation of two or more intensity of light works by superposition principle is known as interference. 

       The cancellation of waves are also called modification of waves.

The interference has two types 

1. Constructive interference.

2. Distructive interference. 

*Characteristics of  Constructive interference:

  1. Two waves are in a phase.
  2. The creast of two waves and trough of two waves can coinside each other. 
  3. The resultant amplitude is maximum. 
  4. As Intensity is directly proportional to square of amplitude then it has maximum intensity.
  5. The resultant displasement is also maximum. 

*  Characteristics of distructive interference :
  1. The two waves are out of phase.
  2. The creast of one wave coinside with trough of other waves.
  3. The resultant amplitude is minimum.
  4. As Intensity is directly proportional to square of amplitude,  then it has minimum intensity. 
  5. The resultant displasement is minimum. 

*Difference between Constructive and Distructive interference:

  1. In constructive interference two waves are in a phase and in distructive interference two waves are out of phase.
  2. In Constructive interference amplitude is maximum and in distructive interference amplitude is minimum. 
  3. In Constructive interference Intensity is maximum and in distructive interference Intensity is minimum. 
  4. In Constructive interference resultant displasement is maximum and in distructive interference resultant displasement is minimum. 
